Out of love for short games
What is Short Longplays?
Short Longplays is a series of blog posts that examine the game mechanics of short (mostly retro) video games. Each post consists of a blind, uncommented playthrough of that game and a short text discussing the more interesting features of that game. In addition, each post has a section with tips and tricks for beating the game yourself.
All pictures and recordings in these posts can be downloaded, edited or otherwise modified without having to ask Quickphix for permission.
What’s the point of Short Longplays?
The series serves a single purpose: to give its author an excuse to play many old video games and to help maintain the memory of these games. Maybe somebody else even gets some sort of enjoyment out of these posts – who knows?
Other things worth noting
Should you have any questions, suggestions or some criticism use our contact form to send them to us. Additionaly, if you want to request a specific video for one of your own projects, just let us know. We create such recordings often and completely free of charge.