The ninth downloadable GM-SS Dungeons and Dragons One Shot Adventure
Whether it’s for a one-shot adventure, starting a longer story, or just another day in your players’ lives, we hope this adventure module will inspire all you DMs and GMs out there. Our story this time features a big tournament, a lot of weird warriors, fighting below a lake’s surface and even some light time-travelling. Enjoy!
The Story
The farmers of the continental mountain range of Isares aren’t much used to travellers. The surrounding landscape is hostile, there’s no major trade route and no landmarks to visit nearby. Yet, for days now, armed men have been travelling through Isares’ sparse fields and have paid the locals horrendous amounts of money for some conserved foodstuffs. Most of these men wear richly decorated armour or travel with exotic weapons. They also don’t seem to speak the language of the region all that well. Even those who speak without much of an accent are unwilling to disclose their destination, but the locals are sure it must be somewhere beyond the mountain pass. However, one thing is clear: Whatever these men hope to find seems to fill them with both determination and fear.
In this 3 – 4-hour adventure, a party of three 10th to 11th level characters will stumble across the secret tournament held once every 100 years by the “Benefactors”. Will they be able to compete against the best warriors from all over the continent? What is the fabled prize and who are these Benefactors, hiding in their castle upon “The Lake’s Reflection”?